About the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee - Wound Healing (MJC-WH)

The MJC Wound Healing (MJC-WH) was founded October 20th 2018 in Brussels representing an interdisciplinary body of the UEMS with 20 delegates from 9 different medical specialties. The major task of the MJC-WH is the harmonization and synchronization of the medical field of wound healing in all EU countries. 


Executive members of the MJC-WH

Objectives of the MJC-WH

The groups works to achieve the following: 

  • Promote and harmonize the highest level of training of the medical specialists engaged in wound healing
  • Establish a UEMS European board of wound healing which prepares, launches and performs UEMS EBSQ examinations in wound healing 
  • Develop and launch of a postgraduate educational programme for wound healing, to safeguard the 
    professional interests of European medical specialists engaged in wound healing 
  • Create a working group for “Professional Policies” which will be responsilbe for defining the scope of work physicians and nurses in this field
  • Develop the tools needed for supporting the free movement of the related medical specialists within the EU
  • Promote and harmonize the medical practice and scientific issues in the field of wound healing
  • Found a working group for “Guidelines”, with the objective to promote, review and accredit EU guidelines for a pan-European standard of care.
  • Review an EACCME accreditation of European wound healing educational events (e.g. congresses)